Viral Publicity Campaign - What Is a Viral Marketing Campaign?

Do you feel like you’re missing the boat when it comes to harnessing the power of promoting your brand on social media? Does it seem like your competition is gaining traction on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram while your brand remains stagnant? Ronin Publicity can, and will make your brand message viral. Imagine seeing new conversations daily about your business on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, Instagram and even the smaller platforms that you’ve never heard of, yet still have massive amounts of traffic; and each conversation being shared across other platforms with Likes, Favorites, Shares and Comments. Imagine putting out a press release or announcement and instead of falling on deaf ears and gaining minimal traction, your press release takes on a viral momentum of its own. We introduce your content into hundreds and even thousands of conversations in your industry niche making your brand inescapable to your target audience. We harness the power of video, Tweets, social media posts, next generation SEO, press releases, social media shares and content repurposing to bypass your target audience’s advertisement fatigue and cuts to the core of their attention receptors by giving them what they want, unadulterated, original content day in and day out. Via proprietary techniques, we’re able to expand and deepen your digital footprint in a way that demands attention from your target audience. We adjust your message to coincide with the unique psychology of the platform and group in which we are promoting you, which continuously leads to faster results and a more loyal following. In other words, we will make you a celebrity in your industry niche. When you come onboard with Ronin Publicity, we immediately hyper-evolve the depth and breadth of your digital footprint by creating purely customized profiles on 40+ different platforms that are continuously updated with new content to bring a massive variety of attention to your brand. We then take that content and cross promote it along other platforms. We will also step in to introduce your previous content to our repurposing and viral publicity strategy. We guarantee that you will experience a true, profound and continuous viral spread of your message and this is just the beginning. Our publicity package is custom tailored to the needs of the client for maximum impact and efficiency. Imagine seeing posts, comments, activity and conversations about your brand every hour of every day, 7 days a week. Our transparent reporting system will allow you to log in and see how we are spreading your brand awareness and cultivating the conversations that are taking place about you on dozens of social media platforms simultaneously. You will see an immediate bump in social media engagement, viral brand awareness and even web traffic. So what are you waiting for? Contact Ronin Publicity today and put our Viral Publicity strategy to work for you!



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